With a 98% success rate; you will understand exactly what we mean when we say results are what we focus on. And if results are what you are after, together we’ll get them for you. The time line for those results depends entirely on what results you are after. An example of which is solving a stage four liver cancer client, a man sent home to die by his doctors that was solved in just two weeks. That does sound incredible or to a sceptic, unbelievable, but that particular gentleman fully committed to the changes required under our guidance; his body and mother nature did the rest.
How do we get such a high percentage rate? Is a fair question to ask
Firstly, at your initial consultation we may ask you several to many questions, and before you arrive, you too will have asked lots more questions in your mind. So much so, you will be eager to give us answers, having anticipated many questions you might be asked. You may also be very keen to tell your story, how you may have been let down in the past, how you have tried everything and nothing has worked, etcetera. We understand that and will encourage you to share your story while finding out how we can help with the result or results you are after.
In short, we use education, nature, nurture, nutrition and nutritional medicine, to get results. From an educational point of view, “Education’s purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one.” Said Malcolm Forbes, the founding publisher of Forbes magazine, which makes sense. Therefore, it is the helping of you to open your mind, that will begin to get the results you want. Additionally, it was a wise man who said, “If someone is going down the wrong road, he doesn’t need the motivation to speed him up. What he needs is education to turn him around.” Very wise words indeed.
What do we do differently? Is another fair question
We first understand without judgement of any kind whatsoever, as it has been documented and studied that on average, a doctors’ diagnosis, is made in the first six seconds. And as ridiculous as it sounds, it is irrefutable.
However, to understand you, we actually listen to you, really listen. Often listening to what is not being said, as most with great respect are reluctant to discuss their feelings and emotional pain that has caused stress for many years; manifesting itself in various ways, like the lady who had ovarian cancer, mentioned on our home page.
To further illustrate this, I’ll share another story. A twenty-five-year-old lady who was fifty- five kilos overweight arrives at our door, referred to us by her friend. We asked her several questions, particularly the delicate ones; to find out the cause of her overeating, knowing what she currently ate. To discover with tears in her eyes, she had been raped at sixteen. Thus, to never get that attention again, she became fat but was miserable and lonely. Knowing the cause, the result was, that she lost all her weight within fourteen months. During which, she met the man of her dreams, and during the next five years she got married and had two children. She was no longer miserable but very happy and is no longer lonely as she is with someone who really loves her. Her full story is shared with her permission in our story section. Please read, Julie’s story for the full details.
Your initial consultancy fee is only $175.00, with no restriction within reason on the time your initial consultation takes. Additional consultancy fees are the same, anticipated to be an hour with some flexibility, depending on the day’s schedule. Home visits are extra, as travel costs are based on the time to the destination from Wallan. For every initial home visit within one hour of Wallan it is a further $50.00. If it is within two hours of Wallan it will be $100.00 and for every hour after that it is also $50.00. We do take into consideration on where you are, your needs and the severity of the problem requiring a solution.
For your health and continuing health, we do have ongoing support. Which may involve the viewing of the latest health documentary and or discussion, or a healthy culinary demonstration, as well as optional sharing opportunities. This ongoing support is individually tailored, so please ask with regard to costs if any. Please note that all video film documentaries are freely available.
Whatever your reason for contacting us; for example, acne, arthritis, anxiety, blood pressure, behavioural disorders, any form of cancer, chronic fatigue, depression, diabetes 2, discomfort, digestive problems, fatigue, pain, skin rashes, weight loss or weight management, your health is all that matters to us and results in getting your health back is our number one goal.